Source code for isotools.splice_graph

import numpy as np
import logging
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict  # for SpliceGraph
from ._utils import pairwise, has_overlap, _interval_dist
from .decorators import deprecated, experimental
from typing import Union

logger = logging.getLogger('isotools')

[docs]class SegmentGraph(): '''Segment Graph Implementation Nodes in the Segment Graph represent disjoint exonic bins (aka segments) and have start (genomic 5'), end (genomic 3'), and a dict of successors and predesessors (edges) Edges link two exonic bins x and y that follow successively in a transcript. They represent either introns (if x.end<y.start) or connect exonic bins of the same exon (x.end==y.start). :param transcripts: A list of transcripts, which are lists of exons, which in turn are (start,end) tuples :type transcripts: list :param strand: the strand of the gene, either "+" or "-"''' def __init__(self, transcripts, strand): self.strand = strand assert strand in '+-', 'strand must be either "+" or "-"' open_exons = dict() for tr in transcripts: for e in tr: open_exons[e[0]] = open_exons.get(e[0], 0) + 1 open_exons[e[1]] = open_exons.get(e[1], 0) - 1 # sort by value boundaries = sorted(open_exons) open_count = 0 self._graph = list() for i, start in enumerate(boundaries[:-1]): open_count += open_exons[start] if open_count > 0: self._graph.append(SegGraphNode(start, boundaries[i + 1])) # get the links start_idx = {node.start: i for i, node in enumerate(self._graph)} end_idx = {node.end: i for i, node in enumerate(self._graph)} self._tss = [start_idx[e[0][0]] for e in transcripts] # todo: this is missleading: on - strand this would not be the tss self._pas = [end_idx[e[-1][1]] for e in transcripts] for i, tr in enumerate(transcripts): for j, e in enumerate(tr): if start_idx[e[0]] < end_idx[e[1]]: # psydojuctions within exon self._graph[start_idx[e[0]]].suc[i] = start_idx[e[0]] + 1 self._graph[end_idx[e[1]]].pre[i] = end_idx[e[1]] - 1 for node_idx in range(start_idx[e[0]] + 1, end_idx[e[1]]): self._graph[node_idx].suc[i] = node_idx + 1 self._graph[node_idx].pre[i] = node_idx - 1 if j < len(tr) - 1: # real junctions e2 = tr[j + 1] self._graph[end_idx[e[1]]].suc[i] = start_idx[e2[0]] self._graph[start_idx[e2[0]]].pre[i] = end_idx[e[1]] def _restore(self, i: int) -> list: # mainly for testing ''' Restore the i_{th} transcript from the Segment graph by traversing from 5' to 3' :param i: The index of the transcript to restore :type i: int :return: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :rtype: list''' idx = self._tss[i] exons = [[self._graph[idx].start, self._graph[idx].end]] while True: if idx == self._pas[i]: break idx = self._graph[idx].suc[i] if self._graph[idx].start == exons[-1][1]: # extend exons[-1][1] = self._graph[idx].end else: exons.append([self._graph[idx].start, self._graph[idx].end]) # print(exons) return exons def _restore_reverse(self, i: int) -> list: # mainly for testing ''' Restore the ith transcript from the Segment graph by traversing from 3' to 5' :param i: The index of the transcript to restore :type i: int :return: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :rtype: list''' idx = self._pas[i] exons = [[self._graph[idx].start, self._graph[idx].end]] while True: if idx == self._tss[i]: break idx = self._graph[idx].pre[i] if self._graph[idx].end == exons[-1][0]: # extend exons[-1][0] = self._graph[idx].start else: exons.append([self._graph[idx].start, self._graph[idx].end]) # print(exons) exons.reverse() return exons
[docs] @deprecated def search_transcript2(self, exons): '''Tests if a transcript (provided as list of exons) is contained in self and return the corresponding transcript indices. :param exons: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :type exons: list :return: a list of supporting transcript indices :rtype: list''' # fst special case: exons extends segment graph if exons[0][1] <= self[0].start or exons[-1][0] >= self[-1].end: return [] # snd special case: single exon transcript: return all overlapping single exon transcripts form sg if len(exons) == 1: return [trid for trid, (j1, j2) in enumerate(zip(self._tss, self._pas)) if self._is_same_exon(trid, j1, j2) and self[j1].start <= exons[0][1] and self[j2].end >= exons[0][0]] # all junctions must be contained and no additional tr = set(range(len(self._tss))) j = 0 for i, e in enumerate(exons[:-1]): while j < len(self) and self[j].end < e[1]: # check exon (no junction allowed) tr -= set(trid for trid, j2 in self[j].suc.items() if self[j].end != self[j2].start) j += 1 if self[j].end != e[1]: return [] # check junction (must be present) tr &= set(trid for trid, j2 in self[j].suc.items() if self[j2].start == exons[i + 1][0]) j += 1 if len(tr) == 0: return tr while j < len(self): # check last exon (no junction allowed) tr -= set(trid for trid, j2 in self[j].suc.items() if self[j].end != self[j2].start) j += 1 return [trid for trid in tr]
[docs] def search_transcript(self, exons, complete=True, include_ends=False): '''Tests if a transcript (provided as list of exons) is contained in sg and return the corresponding transcript indices. Search the splice graph for transcripts that match the introns of the provided list of exons. :param exons: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :type exons: list :param complete: If True, yield only splice graph transcripts that match all introns from the exon list. If False, yield also splice graph transcripts having additional exons at the beginning and/or end. :param include_ends: If True, yield only splice graph transcripts that include the first and last exon. If False, also yield splice graph transcripts that extend first and/or last exon but match the intron chain. :return: a list of supporting transcript indices :rtype: list''' # fst special case: exons extends segment graph if include_ends: if exons[0][0] < self[0].start or exons[-1][1] > self[-1].end: return [] else: if exons[0][1] <= self[0].start or exons[-1][0] >= self[-1].end: return [] # snd special case: single exon transcript: return all overlapping /including single exon transcripts form sg if len(exons) == 1 and complete: if include_ends: return [trid for trid, (j1, j2) in enumerate(zip(self._tss, self._pas)) if self._is_same_exon(trid, j1, j2) and self[j1].start >= exons[0][0] and self[j2].end <= exons[0][1]] else: return [trid for trid, (j1, j2) in enumerate(zip(self._tss, self._pas)) if self._is_same_exon(trid, j1, j2) and self[j1].start <= exons[0][1] and self[j2].end >= exons[0][0]] # j is index of last overlapping node j = next((i for i, n in enumerate(self) if n.start >= exons[0][1]), len(self))-1 if self[j].end > exons[0][1] and len(exons) > 1: return [] if complete: # for include_ends we need to find first node of exon # j_first is index of first node from the first exon, j_first = next((i for i in range(j, 0, -1) if self[i-1].end < self[i].start), 0) tr = [trid for trid, i in enumerate(self._tss) if (not include_ends or self[i].start <= exons[0][0]) and j_first <= i <= j and self._is_same_exon(trid, i, j)] else: if include_ends: j_first = next((i for i in range(j, 0, -1) if self[i].start <= exons[0][0]), 0) tr = [trid for trid in self[j].pre if self._is_same_exon(trid, j_first, j)] if j_first == j: tr += [trid for trid, i in enumerate(self._tss) if i == j_first] else: tr = list(self[j].pre)+[trid for trid, i in enumerate(self._tss) if i == j] # all junctions must be contained and no additional for i, e in enumerate(exons[:-1]): while j < len(self) and self[j].end < e[1]: # check exon (no junction allowed) tr = [trid for trid in tr if trid in self[j].suc and self[j].end == self[self[j].suc[trid]].start] j += 1 if self[j].end != e[1]: return [] # check junction (must be present) tr = [trid for trid in tr if trid in self[j].suc and self[self[j].suc[trid]].start == exons[i+1][0]] if not tr: return [] j = self[j].suc[tr[0]] if include_ends: while self[j].end < exons[-1][1]: tr = [trid for trid in tr if trid in self[j].suc and self[j].end == self[self[j].suc[trid]].start] j += 1 if not complete: return tr # ensure that all transcripts end (no junctions allowed) while j < len(self): # check last exon (no junction allowed) tr = [trid for trid in tr if trid not in self[j].suc or self[j].end == self[self[j].suc[trid]].start] j += 1 return tr
def _is_same_exon(self, tr_nr, j1, j2): '''Tests if nodes j1 and j2 belong to same exon in transcript tr_nr.''' for j in range(j1, j2): if tr_nr not in self[j].suc or self[j].suc[tr_nr] > j + 1 or self[j].end != self[j + 1].start: return False return True def _count_introns(self, tr_nr, j1, j2): '''Counts the number of junctions between j1 and j2.''' logger.debug('counting introns of transcript %i between nodes %i and %i', tr_nr, j1, j2) delta = 0 if j1 == j2: return 0 assert tr_nr in self[j1].suc, f'transcript {tr_nr} does not contain node {j1}' while j1 < j2: j_next = self[j1].suc[tr_nr] if j_next > j1 + 1 or self[j1].end != self[j1 + 1].start: delta += 1 j1 = j_next return delta
[docs] def get_node_matrix(self) -> np.array: '''Gets the node matrix representation of the segment graph.''' return np.array([[True if tss == j or trid in n.pre else False for j, n in enumerate(self)] for trid, tss in enumerate(self._tss)])
[docs] def find_fragments(self): '''Finds all fragments (e.g. transcript contained in other transcripts) in the segment graph.''' truncated = set() contains = {} starts = [set() for _ in range(len(self))] for trid, idx in enumerate(self._tss): starts[idx].add(trid) nodes = self.get_node_matrix() for trid, (tss, pas) in enumerate(zip(self._tss, self._pas)): if trid in truncated: continue contains[trid] = {trid2 for trid2, (tss2, pas2) in enumerate(zip(self._tss, self._pas)) if trid2 != trid and tss2 >= tss and pas2 <= pas and all(nodes[trid2, tss2:pas2 + 1] == nodes[trid, tss2:pas2 + 1])} truncated.update(contains[trid]) # those are not checked fragments = {} for big, smallL in contains.items(): if big not in truncated: for trid in smallL: delta1 = self._count_introns(big, self._tss[big], self._tss[trid]) delta2 = self._count_introns(big, self._pas[trid], self._pas[big]) fragments.setdefault(trid, []).append((big, delta1, delta2) if self.strand == '+' else (big, delta2, delta1)) return fragments
[docs] def get_alternative_splicing(self, exons, alternative=None): '''Compares exons to segment graph and returns list of novel splicing events. This function computes the novelty class of the provided transcript compared to (reference annotation) transcripts from the segment graph. It returns the "squanti category" (0=FSM,1=ISM,2=NIC,3=NNC,4=Novel gene) and the subcategory. :param exons: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :type exons: list :param alternative: list of splice site indices that match other genes :return: pair with the squanti category number and the subcategories as list of novel splicing events that produce the provided transcript from the transcripts in splce graph :rtype: tuple''' # returns a tuple # the sqanti category: 0=FSM,1=ISM,2=NIC,3=NNC,4=Novel gene # subcategories: a list of novel splicing events or splice_identical # a list of tuples with (1) gene names and (2) junction numbers covered by other genes (e.g. readthrough fusion) if alternative is not None and len(alternative) > 0: category = 4 fusion_exons = {int((i + 1) / 2) for j in alternative for i in j[1]} altsplice = {'readthrough fusion': alternative} # other novel events are only found in the primary reference transcript else: tr = self.search_transcript(exons) if tr: return 0, {'FSM': tr} category = 1 altsplice = {} fusion_exons = set() is_reverse = self.strand == '-' j1 = next((j for j, n in enumerate(self) if n.end > exons[0][0])) # j1: index of first segment ending after exon start (i.e. first overlapping segment) j2 = next((j - 1 for j in range(j1, len(self)) if self[j].start >= exons[0][1]), len(self) - 1) # j2: index of last segment starting befor exon end (i.e. last overlapping segment) # check truncation at begining (e.g. low position) if (len(exons) > 1 and # no mono exon not any(j in self._tss for j in range(j1, j2 + 1)) and # no tss/pas within exon self[j1].start <= exons[0][0]): # start of first exon is exonic in ref j0 = max(self._tss[trid] for trid in self[j1].pre) # j0 is the closest start node if any(self[j].end < self[j + 1].start for j in range(j0, j1)): # assure there is an intron between closest tss/pas and exon end = '3' if is_reverse else '5' altsplice.setdefault(f'{end}\' fragment', []).append([self[j0].start, exons[0][0]]) # at start (lower position) for i, ex1 in enumerate(exons): ex2 = None if i + 1 == len(exons) else exons[i + 1] if i not in fusion_exons: # exon belongs to other gene (read through fusion) # finds intron retention (NIC), novel exons, novel splice sites, novel pas/tss (NNC) exon_altsplice, exon_cat = self._check_exon(j1, j2, i == 0, is_reverse, ex1, ex2) category = max(exon_cat, category) for k, v in exon_altsplice.items(): altsplice.setdefault(k, []).extend(v) # find j2: index of last segment starting befor exon2 end (i.e. last overlapping segment) if ex2 is not None: if j2 + 1 < len(self): j1, j2, junction_altsplice = self._check_junction(j1, j2, ex1, ex2) # finds exon skipping and novel junction (NIC) if junction_altsplice and i + 1 not in fusion_exons: category = max(2, category) for k, v in junction_altsplice.items(): altsplice.setdefault(k, []).extend(v) else: j1 = len(self) # check truncation at end (e.g. high position) if (len(exons) > 1 and j2 >= j1 and not any(j in self._pas for j in range(j1, j2 + 1)) and # no tss/pas within exon self[j2].end >= exons[-1][1]): # end of last exon is exonic in ref try: j3 = min(self._pas[trid] for trid in self[j2].suc) # j3 is the next end node (pas/tss on fwd/rev) except ValueError: logger.error('\n'.join([str(exons), str(self._pas), str((j1, j2)), str([(j, n) for j, n in enumerate(self)])])) raise if any(self[j].end < self[j + 1].start for j in range(j2, j3)): # assure there is an intron between closest tss/pas and exon end = '5' if is_reverse else '3' altsplice.setdefault(f'{end}\' fragment', []).append([exons[-1][1], self[j3].end]) if not altsplice: # all junctions are contained but not all in one transcript altsplice = {'novel combination': []} category = 2 return category, altsplice
def _check_exon(self, j1, j2, is_first, is_reverse, e, e2=None): '''checks whether exon is supported by splice graph between nodes j1 and j2 :param j1: index of first segment ending after exon start (i.e. first overlapping segment) :param j2: index of last segment starting befor exon end (i.e. last overlapping segment)''' logger.debug('exon %s between sg node %s and %s/%s (first=%s,rev=%s,e2=%s)', e, j1, j2, len(self), is_first, is_reverse, e2) is_last = e2 is None altsplice = {} category = 0 if j1 > j2: # e is not contained at all -> novel exon (or TSS/PAS if first/last) category = 3 if is_first or is_last: altsplice = {'novel intronic PAS' if is_first == is_reverse else 'novel intronic TSS': [e]} else: altsplice = {'novel exon': [e]} j2 = j1 elif (is_first and is_last): # mono-exon (should not overlap a reference monoexon transcript, this is caught earlier) altsplice['mono-exon'] = [] category = 1 else: # check splice sites if self[j1][0] != e[0]: # first splice site missmatch if not is_first: # pos="intronic" if self[j1][0]>e[0] else "exonic" kind = '5' if is_reverse else '3' dist = min((self[j][0] - e[0] for j in range(j1, j2 + 1)), key=abs) # the distance to next junction altsplice[f"novel {kind}' splice site"] = [(e[0], dist)] category = 3 elif self[j1][0] > e[0] and not any(j in self._tss for j in range(j1, j2 + 1)): # exon start is intronic in ref site = 'PAS' if is_reverse else 'TSS' altsplice.setdefault(f'novel exonic {site}', []).append((e[0], self[j1][0])) category = max(1, category) if self[j2][1] != e[1]: # second splice site missmatch if not is_last: # pos="intronic" if self[j2][1]<e[1] else "exonic" # TODO: could also be a "novel intron", if the next "first" splice site is also novel. kind = '3' if is_reverse else '5' dist = min((self[j][1] - e[1] for j in range(j1, j2 + 1)), key=abs) # the distance to next junction altsplice.setdefault(f"novel {kind}' splice site", []).append((e[1], dist)) category = 3 elif self[j2][1] < e[1] and not any(j in self._pas for j in range(j1, j2 + 1)): # exon end is intronic in ref & not overlapping pas site = 'TSS' if is_reverse else 'PAS' altsplice.setdefault(f'novel exonic {site}', []).append((self[j2][1], e[1])) category = max(1, category) # find intron retentions if j1 < j2 and any(self[ji + 1].start - self[ji].end > 0 for ji in range(j1, j2)): gaps = [ji for ji in range(j1, j2) if self[ji + 1].start - self[ji].end > 0] if (gaps and not (is_first and any(j in self._tss for j in range(gaps[-1] + 1, j2))) and not (is_last and any(j in self._pas for j in range(j1, gaps[0] + 1)))): ret_introns = [] troi = set(self[j1].suc.keys()).intersection(self[j2].pre.keys()) if troi: j = j1 while j < j2: nextj = min(js for trid, js in self[j].suc.items() if trid in troi) if self[nextj].start - self[j].end > 0 and any(self[ji + 1].start - self[ji].end > 0 for ji in range(j, nextj)): ret_introns.append((self[j].end, self[nextj].start)) j = nextj if ret_introns: altsplice['intron retention'] = ret_introns category = max(2, category) logger.debug('check exon %s resulted in %s', e, altsplice) return altsplice, category def _check_junction(self, j1, j2, e, e2): ''' check a junction in the segment graph * check presence e1-e2 junction in ref (-> if not exon skipping or novel junction) * presence is defined a direct junction from an ref exon (e.g. from self) overlapping e1 to an ref exon overlapping e2 * AND find j3 and j4: first node overlapping e2 and last node overlapping e2 * more specifically: * j3: first node ending after e2 start, or len(self) * j4: last node starting before e2 end (assuming there is such a node)''' altsplice = {} j3 = next((j for j in range(j2 + 1, len(self)) if self[j][1] > e2[0]), len(self)) j4 = next((j - 1 for j in range(j3, len(self)) if self[j].start >= e2[1]), len(self) - 1) if j3 == len(self) or self[j3].start > e2[1]: return j3, j4, altsplice # no overlap with e2 if e[1] == self[j2].end and e2[0] == self[j3].start and j3 in self[j2].suc.values(): return j3, j4, altsplice # found direct junction # find skipped exons within e1-e2 intron exon_skipping = set() for j in range(j1, j2 + 1): for tr, j_suc in self[j].suc.items(): if j_suc <= j2 or j_suc > j4: # befor junction or exceding it continue # -> no exon skipping if self._pas[tr] < j4: # transcripts ends within e1-e2 intron continue # -> no exon skipping j_spliced = self._get_next_spliced(tr, j) if j_spliced is None: # end of transcript continue # -> no exon skipping if j_spliced < j3: # found splice junction from e1 into e1-e2 intron j_spliced_end = self._get_exon_end(tr, j_spliced) if j_spliced_end < j3: # ref exon ends within e1-e2 intron exon_skipping.add(tr) # found exon skipping if exon_skipping: # path from e1 over another exon e_skip to e2 present # now we need to find the exon boundaries of the skipped exon exons = [] e_start = e[1] - 1 e_end = e[1] for j in range(j2 + 1, j3 + 1): if e_start and self[j].start > self[j - 1].end: # intron befor j exons.append([e_start, e_end]) e_start = 0 if exon_skipping.intersection(self[j].suc): # exon at j if e_start == 0: # new exon start e_start = self[j].start e_end = self[j].end elif e_start: # intron at j exons.append([e_start, e_end]) e_start = 0 if len(exons) > 1: altsplice.setdefault('exon skipping', []).extend(exons[1:]) elif e[1] == self[j2].end and e2[0] == self[j3].start: # e1-e2 path is not present, but splice sites are altsplice.setdefault('novel junction', []).append([e[1], e2[0]]) # for example mutually exclusive exons spliced togeter logger.debug('check junction %s - %s resulted in %s', e[0], e[1], altsplice) return j3, j4, altsplice
[docs] def fuzzy_junction(self, exons, size): '''Looks for "fuzzy junctions" in the provided transcript. For each intron from "exons", look for introns in the splice graph shifted by less than "size". These shifts may be produced by ambigious alignments. :param exons: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :type exons: list :param size: The maximum size of the fuzzy junction :type size: int :return: a dict with the intron number as key and the shift as value (assuming size is smaller than introns) :rtype: dict''' fuzzy = {} if size < 1: # no need to check return fuzzy j1 = 0 idx = range(j1, len(self)) for i, e1 in enumerate(exons[:-1]): e2 = exons[i + 1] try: # find j1: first node intersecting size range of e1 end if self[j1].end + min(size, e1[1] - e1[0]) < e1[1]: j1 = next(j for j in idx if self[j].end + size >= e1[1]) except (StopIteration, IndexError): # transcript end - we are done break shift = [] while j1 < len(self) and self[j1].end - e1[1] <= min(size, e1[1] - e1[0]): # in case there are several nodes starting in the range around e1 shift_e1 = self[j1].end - e1[1] # print(f'{i} {e1[1]}-{e2[0]} {shift_e1}') if shift_e1 == 0: # no shift required at this intron break if any(self[j2].start - e2[0] == shift_e1 for j2 in set(self[j1].suc.values())): shift.append(shift_e1) j1 += 1 else: # junction not found in sg if shift: # but shifted juction is present fuzzy[i] = sorted(shift, key=abs)[0] # if there are several possible shifts, provide the smallest return fuzzy
[docs] def find_splice_sites(self, sj): '''Checks whether the splice sites of a new transcript are present in the segment graph. :param sj: A list of 2 tuples with the splice site positions :type exons: list :return: boolean array indicating whether the splice site is contained or not''' sites = np.zeros(len(sj) * 2, dtype=bool) nodes = iter(self) n = next(nodes) splice_junction_starts = {} splice_junction_ends = {} for i, ss in enumerate(sj): splice_junction_starts.setdefault(ss[0], []).append(i) splice_junction_ends.setdefault(ss[1], []).append(i) # check exon ends for sjs, idx in sorted(splice_junction_starts.items()): try: while sjs > n.end: n = next(nodes) if n.end == sjs and any(self[s].start > n.end for s in n.suc.values()): for i in idx: sites[i * 2] = True except StopIteration: break nodes = iter(self) n = next(nodes) # check exon starts for sje, idx in sorted(splice_junction_ends.items()): try: while sje > n.start: n = next(nodes) if n.start == sje and any(self[p].end < n.start for p in n.pre.values()): for i in idx: sites[i * 2 + 1] = True except StopIteration: break return sites
[docs] def get_overlap(self, exons): '''Compute the exonic overlap of a new transcript with the segment graph. :param exons: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :type exons: list :return: a tuple: the overlap with the gene, and a list of the overlaps with the transcripts''' ol = 0 j = 0 tr_ol = [0 for _ in self._pas] for e in exons: while self[j].end < e[0]: # no overlap, go on j += 1 if j == len(self): return ol, tr_ol while self[j].start < e[1]: i_end = min(e[1], self[j].end) i_start = max(e[0], self[j].start) ol += (i_end - i_start) for trid in self[j].suc.keys(): tr_ol[trid] += (i_end - i_start) for trid, pas in enumerate(self._pas): if pas == j: tr_ol[trid] += (i_end - i_start) if self[j].end > e[1]: break j += 1 if j == len(self): return ol, tr_ol return ol, tr_ol
[docs] def get_intron_support_matrix(self, exons): '''Check the intron support for the provided transcript w.r.t. transcripts from self. This is supposed to be helpfull for the analysis of novel combinations of known splice sites. :param exons: A list of exon positions defining the transcript to check. :return: A boolean array of shape (n_transcripts in self)x(len(exons)-1). An entry is True iff the intron from "exons" is present in the respective transcript of self.''' node_iter = iter(self) ism = np.zeros((len(self._tss), len(exons) - 1), bool) # the intron support matrix for intron_nr, (e1, e2) in enumerate(pairwise(exons)): try: node = next(n for n in node_iter if n.end >= e1[1]) except StopIteration: return ism if node.end == e1[1]: for trid, suc in node.suc.items(): if self[suc].start == e2[0]: ism[trid, intron_nr] = True return ism
[docs] def get_exon_support_matrix(self, exons): '''Check the exon support for the provided transcript w.r.t. transcripts from self. This is supposed to be helpfull for the analysis of novel combinations of known splice sites. :param exons: A list of exon positions defining the transcript to check. :return: A boolean array of shape (n_transcripts in self)x(len(exons)-1). An entry is True iff the exon from "exons" is fully covered in the respective transcript of self. First and last exon are checked to overlap the first and last exon of the ref transcript but do not need to be fully covered''' esm = np.zeros((len(self._tss), len(exons)), bool) # the intron support matrix for tr_nr, tss in enumerate(self._tss): # check overlap of first exon for j in range(tss, len(self)): if has_overlap(self[j], exons[0]): esm[tr_nr, 0] = True elif self[j].suc.get(tr_nr, None) == j + 1 and j - 1 < len(self) and self[j].end == self[j + 1].start: continue break for tr_nr, pas in enumerate(self._pas): # check overlap of last exon for j in range(pas, -1, -1): if has_overlap(self[j], exons[-1]): esm[tr_nr, -1] = True elif self[j].pre.get(tr_nr, None) == j - 1 and j > 0 and self[j].start == self[j - 1].end: continue break j2 = 0 for e_nr, e in enumerate(exons[1:-1]): j1 = next((j for j in range(j2, len(self)) if self[j].end > e[0])) # j1: index of first segment ending after exon start (i.e. first overlapping segment) j2 = next((j - 1 for j in range(j1, len(self)) if self[j].start >= e[1]), len(self) - 1) # j2: index of last segment starting befor exon end (i.e. last overlapping segment) if self[j1].start <= e[0] and self[j2].end >= e[1]: covered = set.intersection(*(set(self[j].suc) for j in range(j1, j2 + 1))) if covered: esm[covered, e_nr + 1] = True return esm
def get_exonic_region(self): regs = [[self[0].start, self[0].end]] for n in self[1:]: if n.start == regs[-1][1]: regs[-1][1] = n.end else: regs.append([n.start, n.end]) return regs
[docs] def get_intersects(self, exons): '''Computes the splice junction exonic overlap of a new transcript with the segment graph. :param exons: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript :type exons: list :return: the splice junction overlap and exonic overlap''' intersect = [0, 0] i = j = 0 while True: if self[j][0] == exons[i][0] and any(self[k][1] < self[j][0] for k in self[j].pre.values()): intersect[0] += 1 # same position and actual splice junction(not just tss or pas and internal junction) if self[j][1] == exons[i][1] and any(self[k][0] > self[j][1] for k in self[j].suc.values()): intersect[0] += 1 if self[j][1] > exons[i][0] and exons[i][1] > self[j][0]: # overlap intersect[1] += min(self[j][1], exons[i][1]) - max(self[j][0], exons[i][0]) if exons[i][1] < self[j][1]: i += 1 else: j += 1 if i == len(exons) or j == len(self): return intersect
@deprecated def _find_ts_candidates(self, coverage): '''Computes a metric indicating template switching.''' for i, gnode in enumerate(self._graph[:-1]): if self._graph[i + 1].start == gnode.end: # jump candidates: introns that start within an exon jumps = {idx: n for idx, n in gnode.suc.items() if n > i + 1 and self._graph[n].start == self._graph[n - 1].end} # find jumps (n>i+1) and check wether they end within an exon begin(jumptarget)==end(node before) jump_weight = {} for idx, target in jumps.items(): jump_weight.setdefault(target, [0, []]) jump_weight[target][0] += coverage[:, idx].sum(0) jump_weight[target][1].append(idx) for target, (w, idx) in jump_weight.items(): long_idx = set(idx for idx, n in gnode.suc.items() if n == i + 1) & set(idx for idx, n in self[target].pre.items() if n == target - 1) try: longer_weight = coverage[:, list(long_idx)].sum() except IndexError: print(long_idx) raise yield gnode.end, self[target].start, w, longer_weight, idx def _is_spliced(self, trid, ni1, ni2): 'checks if transcript is spliced (e.g. has an intron) between nodes ni1 and ni2' if any(self[i].end < self[i + 1].start for i in range(ni1, ni2)): # all transcripts are spliced return True if all(trid in self[i].suc for i in range(ni1, ni2)): return False return True def _get_next_spliced(self, trid, node): 'find the next spliced node for given transcript' while node != self._pas[trid]: try: next_node = self[node].suc[trid] # raises error if trid not in node except KeyError: logger.error('trid %s seems to be not in node %s', trid, node) raise if self[next_node].start > self[node].end: return next_node node = next_node return None def _get_exon_end(self, trid, node): 'find the end of the exon to which node belongs for given transcript' while node != self._pas[trid]: try: next_node = self[node].suc[trid] # raises error if trid not in node except KeyError: logger.error('trid %s seems to be not in node %s', trid, node) raise if self[next_node].start > self[node].end: return node node = next_node return node def _get_exon_start(self, trid, node): 'find the start of the exon to which node belongs for given transcript' while node != self._tss[trid]: try: next_node = self[node].pre[trid] # raises error if trid not in node except KeyError: logger.error('trid %s seems to be not in node %s', trid, node) raise if self[next_node].end < self[node].start: return node node = next_node return node def _find_splice_bubbles_at_position(self, tids, pos): '''function to refind bubbles at a certain genomic position. This turns out to be fundamentally different compared to iterating over all bubbles, hence it is a complete rewrite of the function. On the positive site, the functions can validate each other. I tried to reuse the variable names. If both functions yield same results, there is a good chance that the compex code is actually right.''' # more a comment than a docstring... if any(t < 5 for t in tids): try: i, nA = next((idx, n) for idx, n in enumerate(self) if n.end == pos[0]) if len(pos) == 3: middle = [next(idx + i for idx, n in enumerate(self[i:]) if n.start > pos[1])] j, nB = next((idx + middle[0], n) for idx, n in enumerate(self[middle[0]:]) if n.start == pos[2]) else: j, nB = next((idx + i, n) for idx, n in enumerate(self[i:]) if n.start == pos[1]) middle = [idx for idx in range(i + 2, j)] except StopIteration as e: raise ValueError(f"cannot find segments at {pos} in segment graph") from e direct = set() # primary indirect = set(), set(), set(), set() # for es, as at start, as at end, ir for tr, node_id in nA.suc.items(): type_id = 0 if tr not in nB.pre: continue if node_id == j: direct.add(tr) continue if self[node_id].start == nA.end: type_id += 2 if self[nB.pre[tr]].end == nB.start: type_id += 1 indirect[type_id].add(tr) for t in tids: if t < 4 and direct and indirect[t]: # ES,3AS.5AS,IR yield direct, indirect[t], i, j, t elif t == 4 and len(indirect[0]) > 2: # ME me = list() seen_alt = set() for middle_idx in middle: alt, prim = set(), set() for tr in indirect[0]: # spliced at nA and nB if nB.pre[tr] < middle_idx: alt.add(tr) elif nA.suc[tr] >= middle_idx: prim.add(tr) if prim and alt - seen_alt: # make sure there is at least one new alt transcript with this middle node. me.append((prim, alt, i, j, t)) seen_alt.update(alt) seen_prim = set() for me_event in reversed(me): if me_event[0] - seen_prim: # report only if there is a new transcript in prim with respect to middle nodes to the right yield me_event seen_prim.update(me_event[0]) if any(t > 4 for t in tids): try: i, nA = next((idx, n) for idx, n in enumerate(self) if n.start >= pos[0]) j, nB = next(((idx + i, n) for idx, n in enumerate(self[i:]) if n.end >= pos[-1]), (len(self) - 1, self[-1])) except StopIteration as e: raise ValueError(f"cannot find segments at {pos} in segment graph") from e if 5 in tids and nB.end == pos[-1]: # TSS on +, PAS on - alt = {tr for tr, tss in enumerate(self._tss) if i <= tss <= j and self._get_exon_end(tr, tss) == j} if alt: # find compatible alternatives: end after tss /start before pas prim = [tr for tr, pas in enumerate(self._pas) if tr not in alt and pas > j] # prim={tr for tr in range(len(self._tss)) if tr not in alt} if prim: yield prim, alt, i, j, 5 if 6 in tids and nA.start == pos[0]: alt = {tr for tr, pas in enumerate(self._pas) if i <= pas <= j and self._get_exon_start(tr, pas) == i} if alt: prim = [tr for tr, tss in enumerate(self._tss) if tr not in alt and tss < i] if prim: yield prim, alt, i, j, 6
[docs] def find_splice_bubbles(self, types=None, pos=None): '''Searches for alternative paths in the segment graph ("bubbles"). Bubbles are defined as combinations of nodes x_s and x_e with more than one path from x_s to x_e. :param types: A tuple with event types to find. Valid types are ('ES','3AS', '5AS','IR' or 'ME', 'TSS', 'PAS'). If ommited, all types are considered :param pos: If specified, restrict the search on specific position. This is useful to find the supporting transcripts for a given type if the position is known. :return: Tuple with 1) transcript indices of primary (e.g. most direct) paths and 2) alternative paths respectivly, as well as 3) start and 4) end node ids and 5) type of alternative event ('ES','3AS', '5AS','IR' or 'ME', 'TSS', 'PAS')''' if types is None: types = ('ES', '3AS', '5AS', 'IR', 'ME', 'TSS', 'PAS') elif isinstance(types, str): types = (types,) alt_types = ('ES', '5AS', '3AS', 'IR', 'ME', 'PAS', "TSS") if self.strand == '-' else ('ES', '3AS', '5AS', 'IR', 'ME', 'TSS', "PAS") if pos is not None: for prim, alt, i, j, alt_tid in self._find_splice_bubbles_at_position([i for i, t in enumerate(alt_types) if t in types], pos): yield list(prim), list(alt), i, j, alt_types[alt_tid] return if any(t in types for t in ('ES', '3AS', '5AS', 'IR', 'ME')): # alternative types: intron retention, alternative splice site at left and right, exon skipping, mutually exclusive inB_sets = [(set(), set())] # list of spliced and unspliced transcripts joining in B # node_matrix=self.get_node_matrix() for i, nB in enumerate(self[1:]): inB_sets.append((set(), set())) unspliced = self[i].end == nB.start for tr, node_id in nB.pre.items(): inB_sets[i + 1][unspliced and node_id == i].add(tr) for i, nA in enumerate(self): junctions = sorted(list(set(nA.suc.values()))) # target nodes for junctions from node A ordered by intron size if len(junctions) < 2: continue # no alternative outA_sets = {} # transcripts supporting the different junctions for tr, node_id in nA.suc.items(): outA_sets.setdefault(node_id, set()).add(tr) unspliced = nA.end == self[junctions[0]].start alternative = ([], outA_sets[junctions[0]]) if unspliced else (outA_sets[junctions[0]], []) # nC_dict aims to avoid recalculation of nC for ME events # tr -> node at start of 2nd exon C for tr such that there is one exon (B) (and both flanking introns) between nA and C; None if transcript ends nC_dict = {} me_alt_seen = set() # ensure that only ME events with novel tr are reported logger.debug('checking node %s: %s (%s)', i, nA, list(zip(junctions, [outA_sets[j] for j in junctions]))) for j_idx, joi in enumerate(junctions[1:]): # start from second, as first does not have an alternative alternative = [{tr for tr in alternative[i] if self._pas[tr] > joi} for i in range(2)] # check that transcripts extend beyond nB logger.debug(alternative) found = [trL1.intersection(trL2) for trL1 in alternative for trL2 in inB_sets[joi]] # alternative transcript sets for the 4 types # 5th type: mutually exclusive (outdated handling of ME for reference) # found.append(set.union(*alternative)-inB_sets[joi][0]-inB_sets[joi][1]) logger.debug('checking junction %s (tr=%s) and found %s at B=%s', joi, outA_sets[joi], found, inB_sets[joi]) for alt_tid, alt in enumerate(found): if alt_types[alt_tid] in types and alt: yield list(outA_sets[joi]), list(alt), i, joi, alt_types[alt_tid] # me_alt=set.union(*alternative)-inB_sets[joi][0]-inB_sets[joi][1] #search 5th type: mutually exclusive if 'ME' in types: me_alt = alternative[0] - inB_sets[joi][0] - inB_sets[joi][1] # search 5th type: mutually exclusive - needs to be spliced if me_alt - me_alt_seen: # there is at least one novel alternative transcript # for ME we need to find (potentially more than one) node C where the alternatives rejoin for tr in me_alt: # find node C for all me_alt nC_dict.setdefault(tr, self._get_next_spliced(tr, nA.suc[tr])) if nC_dict[tr] is None: # transcript end in nB, no node C me_alt_seen.add(tr) # those are not of interest for ME inC_sets = {} # dict of nC indices to sets of nA-intron-nB-intron-nC transcripts, where nB >= joi for nB_i in junctions[j_idx + 1:]: # all primary junctions for tr in outA_sets[nB_i]: # primary transcripts nC_dict.setdefault(tr, self._get_next_spliced(tr, nB_i)) # find nC if nC_dict[tr] is None: continue if nB_i == joi: # first, all primary tr/nCs from joi added inC_sets.setdefault(nC_dict[tr], set()).add(tr) elif nC_dict[tr] in inC_sets: # then add primary tr that also rejoin at any of the joi nC inC_sets[nC_dict[tr]].add(tr) if not inC_sets: # no nC for any of the joi primary tr - no need to check the other primaries break for nC_i, me_prim in sorted(inC_sets.items()): found_alt = {tr for tr in me_alt if nC_dict[tr] == nC_i} if found_alt - me_alt_seen: # ensure, there is a new alternative yield (list(me_prim), list(found_alt), i, nC_i, 'ME') # me_alt=me_alt-found_alt me_alt_seen.update(found_alt) alternative[0].update(outA_sets[joi]) # now transcripts supporting joi join the alternatives if "TSS" in types or "PAS" in types: yield from self._find_start_end_events(types)
def _find_start_end_events(self, types): '''Searches for alternative TSS/PAS in the segment graph. All transcripts sharing the same first/ last splice junction are considered to start/end at the same site and are summarized. Alternative transcripts are all other transcripts of the gene that end after the TSS or respectivly start before the PAS. :return: Tuple with 1) transcript ids sharing common start exon and 2) alternative transcript ids respectivly, as well as 3) start and 4) end node ids of the exon and 5) type of alternative event ("TSS" or "PAS")''' tss = {} pas = {} tss_start = {} pas_end = {} for tr, (start1, end1) in enumerate(zip(self._tss, self._pas)): start2 = self._get_exon_end(tr, start1) if start2 != end1: # skip single exon transcripts # tss: key: last node idx of start exon (e.g. first real splice junction), # value: a list of transcripts sharing this node as the last node of their start exon) tss.setdefault(start2, set()).add(tr) # tss_start is first node of start exon (wrt all transcripts sharing same last node of start exon) tss_start[start2] = min(start1, tss_start.get(start2, start1)) end2 = self._get_exon_start(tr, end1) pas.setdefault(end2, set()).add(tr) pas_end[end2] = max(end1, pas_end.get(end2, end1)) alt_types = ['PAS', 'TSS'] if self.strand == '-' else ['TSS', 'PAS'] if alt_types[0] in types: for n, tr_set in tss.items(): # find compatible alternatives: end after tss /start before pas alt_tr = [tr for tr, pas in enumerate(self._pas) if tr not in tr_set and pas > n] if alt_tr: yield (alt_tr, list(tr_set), tss_start[n], n, alt_types[0]) if alt_types[1] in types: for n, tr_set in pas.items(): alt_tr = [tr for tr, tss in enumerate(self._tss) if tr not in tr_set and tss < n] if alt_tr: yield (alt_tr, list(tr_set), n, pas_end[n], alt_types[1])
[docs] def is_exonic(self, position): '''Checks whether the position is within an exon. :param position: The genomic position to check. :return: True, if the position overlaps with an exon, else False.''' for n in self: if n[0] <= position and n[1] >= position: return True return False
def _get_all_exons(self, nodeX, nodeY, tr): 'get all exons from nodeX to nodeY for transcripts tr' # TODO: add option to extend first and last exons n = max(nodeX, self._tss[tr]) # if tss>nodeX start there if tr not in self[n].pre and self._tss[tr] != n: # nodeX is not part of tr for i in range(n, nodeY + 1): if tr in self[n].suc: n = i break else: return [] if n > nodeY: return [] exons = [[self[n].start, self[n].end]] while n < nodeY: try: n = self[n].suc[tr] except KeyError: # end of transcript before nodeY was reached break if self[n].start == exons[-1][1]: exons[-1][1] = self[n].end else: exons.append([self[n].start, self[n].end]) return [tuple(e) for e in exons] def __getitem__(self, key): return self._graph[key] def __len__(self): return len(self._graph)
[docs] def events_dist(self, e1, e2): ''' returns the distance (in nucleotides) between two Alternative Splicing Events. :param e1: event obtained from .find_splice_bubbles() :param e2: event obtained from .find_splice_bubbles() :param sg: segment graph ''' # the event begins at the beginning of the first exon and ends at the end of the last exon e1_coor = [self[e1[2]].start, self[e1[3]].end] # starting and ending coordinates of event 1 e2_coor = [self[e2[2]].start, self[e2[3]].end] # starting and ending coordinates of event 2 return _interval_dist(e1_coor, e2_coor)
def _get_node_starting_at(self, coordinate): ''' return the index of the node in the splice graph starting at the given coordinate. ''' for i, node in enumerate(self): if node.start == coordinate: return i def _get_node_ending_at(self, coordinate): ''' return the index of the node in the splice graph ending at the given coordinate. ''' for i, node in enumerate(self): if node.end == coordinate: return i def _get_event_coordinate(self, event): if event[4] in ("TSS", "PAS"): return (self[event[2]].start, self[event[3]].end) else: return (self[event[2]].end, self[event[3]].start)
[docs]class SegGraphNode(tuple): '''A node in a segment graph represents an exonic segment.''' def __new__(cls, start, end, pre=None, suc=None): if pre is None: pre = dict() if suc is None: suc = dict() return super(SegGraphNode, cls).__new__(cls, (start, end, pre, suc)) def __getnewargs__(self): return tuple(self) @property def start(self) -> int: '''the (genomic 5') start of the segment''' return self.__getitem__(0) @property def end(self) -> int: '''the (genomic 3') end of the segment''' return self.__getitem__(1) @property def pre(self) -> dict: '''the predecessor segments of the segment (linked nodes downstream)''' return self.__getitem__(2) @property def suc(self) -> dict: '''the successor segments of the segment (linked nodes downstream)''' return self.__getitem__(3)
class SpliceGraph(): '''(Experimental) Splice Graph Implementation Nodes represent splice sites and are tuples of genomic positions and a "lower" flag. The "lower flag" is true, if the splice site is a genomic 5' end of an exon Nodes are kept sorted, so iteration over splicegraph returns all nodes in genomic order Edges are assessed with SpliceGraph.pre(node, [tr_nr]) and SpliceGraph.suc(node, [tr_nr]) functions. If no tr_nr is provided, a dict with all incoming/outgoing edges is returned''' # @experimental def __init__(self, is_reverse, graph, fwd_starts, rev_starts): self.is_reverse = is_reverse self._graph = graph self._fwd_starts = fwd_starts self._rev_starts = rev_starts @classmethod def from_transcript_list(cls, transcripts, strand): '''Compute the splice graph from a list of transcripts :param transcripts: A list of transcripts, which are lists of exons, which in turn are (start,end) tuples :type transcripts: list :param strand: the strand of the gene, either "+" or "-" :return: The SpliceGraph object :rtype: SpliceGraph''' assert strand in '+-', 'strand must be either "+" or "-"' graph = SortedDict() fwd_starts = [(tr[0][0], True) for tr in transcripts] # genomic 5' rev_starts = [(tr[-1][1], False) for tr in transcripts] # genomic 3' for tr_nr, tr in enumerate(transcripts): graph.setdefault((tr[0][0], True), ({}, {})) for i, (b1, b2) in enumerate(pairwise(pos for e in tr for pos in e)): graph.setdefault((b2, bool(i % 2)), ({}, {})) graph[b2, bool(i % 2)][1][tr_nr] = b1, not bool((i) % 2) # successor graph[b1, not bool(i % 2)][0][tr_nr] = b2, bool((1) % 2) # predesessor sg = cls(strand == '-', graph, fwd_starts, rev_starts) return sg def __iter__(self): return self._graph.__iter__() def __len__(self): return self._graph.__len__() @experimental def add(self, tr) -> None: '''Add one transcript to the existing graph. :param tr: A list of exon tuples representing the transcript to add :type tr: list''' tr_nr = len(self._fwd_starts) self._fwd_starts.append((tr[0][0], True)) # genomic 5' self._rev_starts.append((tr[-1][1], False)) # genomic 3' self._graph.setdefault((tr[0][0], True), ({}, {})) for i, (b1, b2) in enumerate(pairwise(pos for e in tr for pos in e)): self._graph.setdefault((b2, bool(i % 2)), ({}, {})) self._graph[b2, bool(i % 2)][1][tr_nr] = b1, not bool((i) % 2) # successor self._graph[b1, not bool(i % 2)][0][tr_nr] = b2, bool((1) % 2) def suc(self, node, tr_nr=None) -> Union[int, dict]: '''get index of successor node (next genomic upstream node) of transcript, or, if tr_nr is omitted, a dict with successors for all transcripts. :param node: index of the originating node :type node: int :param tr_nr: index of the transcript (optional) :type tr_nr: int''' edges = self._graph[node][0] if tr_nr is None: return edges return edges[tr_nr] def pre(self, node, tr_nr=None) -> Union[int, dict]: '''get index of predesessor node (next genomic downstream node) of transcript, or, if tr_nr is omitted, a dict with predesessors for all transcripts. :param node: index of the originating node :type node: int :param tr_nr: index of the transcript (optional) :type tr_nr: int''' edges = self._graph[node][1] if tr_nr is None: return edges return edges[tr_nr]