PacBio 2019 Alzheimer Sequel2 dataset¶
This notebook demonstrates the data preprocessing, import and basic vizualization of genes with Sashimi plots. As it is based on a full sized isoseq dataset, it involves some preparation, and takes several hours to complete. For a smaller example, please check the test data notebook on the github page.
Prepare the working directory and download the reference and data
cd /my/working/directory # create some subdirectories mkdir -p reference alzheimer/flnc alzheimer/aligned alzheimer/pickle tables plots # download a reference genome (806 MB) genome_link='' wget -P reference/ -O GRCh38.p13.genome.fa.gz ${genome_link} gunzip reference/GRCh38.p13.genome.fa.gz # download gencode reference annotation (46.2 MB) gff='gencode.v36.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation' annotation_link=${gff}.gff3.gz wget -P reference/ ${annotation_link} # sort by chromosome and position (zcat reference/${gff}.gff3.gz| grep ^"#" ; zcat reference/${gff}.gff3.gz|grep -v ^"#"| sort -k1,1 -k4,4n)|bgzip > reference/${gff}_sorted.gff3.gz # create index tabix -p gff reference/${gff}_sorted.gff3.gz # download the isoseq flnc data (4.1 GB) isoseq_link='' wget -P alzheimer/flnc -O alzheimer2019_isoseq_flnc.bam ${isoseq_link}
Align the isoseq data to the reference genome using minimap2. If the pacbio isoseq3 workflow is installed you can use the pacbio version of minimap2 as follows:
#activate the isoseq3 environement (assuming it is called pacbio)
conda activate pacbio
pbmm2 align ${ref} alzheimer/flnc/${sample}_flnc.bam alzheimer/aligned/${sample}_aligned.sorted.bam --preset ISOSEQ --sort -j $n_threads
Data import¶
import isotools
print(f'This is isootools version {isotools.__version__}')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
This is isootools version 0.2.8
#try to restore previously prepared data (about 2 minutes)
except FileNotFoundError:
#try to restore the reference
except FileNotFoundError:
#import the reference from gff3 (3 minutes)
# save the reference, so it it can be reused for other datasets/analysis
# import the long read data and compare to reference (only one sample for this dataset, takes 30-40 minutes)
isoseq.add_sample_from_bam(bam, sample_name='alzheimer_1', group='alzheimer', min_align_fraction=0)
# compute QC metrics for all transcripts
isoseq.add_qc_metrics(genome) #takes 15-20 min
# update the index for fast gene access by name/id
# save the current data'alzheimer/pickle/{sample}_isotools.pkl')
INFO:loading transcriptome from alzheimer/pickle/alzheimer2019_isoseq_isotools.pkl
Saturation Anlalysis¶
To estimate the saturation of discovered isoforms, IsoTools offers two complimentary figures: * The saturation plot models the expected probability of discovering a transcript * at given level of confidence (number of supporting long reads) * which is present at a given abundance level in the sample (in transcripts per milion, TPM) * depending on the total number of long reads * The rarefaction analysis depicts the number of different discovered transcripts when subsampling the long reads
The saturation analysis reveals that at the given sequencing depth, transcripts expressed at 1 TPM have about 90% probability of beeing covered by at least two reads in the individual samples, while transcripts expressed at 0.5 TPM have 60% probability. The slope of the rarefaction curve at the right end reflects the number of novel transcripts that could be discovered if sequencing depth would be increased.
from isotools.plots import plot_saturation, plot_rarefaction
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (14,7)
fig, axs=plt.subplots(1,2)
plot_saturation(isoseq,cov_th=2, x_range=(1e4,5e6,1e4), ax=axs[0])
rarefaction, total=isoseq.rarefaction(min_coverage=2, tr_filter={'query':'FSM'})
plot_rarefaction(rarefaction, total=total, ax=axs[1])
Quality control and filtering¶
Isotools allows to filter genes and transcripts based on user defined criteria. This is helpful e.g. to mark potential artefacts. Isotools comes with some default criteria, stored in key value pairs (in dicts), where the key is a tag (single word in ALLCAPS) and the value is an expression, that gets evaluated on the properties of the gene or transcript. There are three sets of criteria, one evalutated in gene context, one for transcripts, and one for reference transcripts. For example, the expression for INTERNAL_PRIMING flag is ‘len(exons)==1 and downstream_A_content and downstream_A_content>.5’, e.g. it selects (e.g. returns TRUE) mono exon genes with more than 50% A downstream of the transcript. These tags, or a boolian expression including multiple tags, can be used in “queries” to filter reads.
Users can modify existing criteria, for example to adjust thresholds, or define additional criteria, based on custom properties.
The following example shows how the user can define additional flags, in this case “HIGH_SUPPORT” and “PROTEIN_CODING” for the reference transcripts, which is based on the GENCODE annotation information on “transcript_support_level” and “transcript_type”.
As additional examples, we print all the default definitions.
#add gencode specific filters in "reference" context
isoseq.add_filter( "HIGH_SUPPORT", 'transcript_support_level=="1"', context='reference')
isoseq.add_filter( "PROTEIN_CODING", 'transcript_type=="protein_coding"', context='reference')
#print all defined filter expressions
for context in isoseq.filter:
for tag,expression in isoseq.filter[context].items():
print(f'- {tag}:\t{expression}')
- NOVEL_GENE: not reference
- EXPRESSED: transcripts
- CHIMERIC: chimeric
- INTERNAL_PRIMING: len(exons)==1 and downstream_A_content and downstream_A_content>.5
- RTTS: noncanonical_splicing is not None and novel_splice_sites is not None and any(2*i in novel_splice_sites and 2*i+1 in novel_splice_sites for i,_ in noncanonical_splicing)
- NONCANONICAL_SPLICING: noncanonical_splicing
- NOVEL_TRANSCRIPT: annotation[0]>0
- FRAGMENT: fragments and any("novel exonic " in a or "fragment" in a for a in annotation[1])
- UNSPLICED: len(exons)==1
- MULTIEXON: len(exons)>1
- SUBSTANTIAL: g.coverage.sum() * .05 < g.coverage[:,trid].sum()
- ANTISENSE: "antisense" in annotation[1]
- INTERGENIC: "intergenic" in annotation[1]
- GENIC_GENOMIC: "genic genomic" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_EXONIC_PAS: "novel exonic PAS" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_INTRONIC_PAS: "novel intronic PAS" in annotation[1]
- READTHROUGH_FUSION: "readthrough fusion" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_EXON: "novel exon" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_3_SPLICE_SITE: "novel 3' splice site" in annotation[1]
- INTRON_RETENTION: "intron retention" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_5_SPLICE_SITE: "novel 5' splice site" in annotation[1]
- EXON_SKIPPING: "exon skipping" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_COMBINATION: "novel combination" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_INTRONIC_TSS: "novel intronic TSS" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_EXONIC_TSS: "novel exonic TSS" in annotation[1]
- MONO_EXON: "mono-exon" in annotation[1]
- NOVEL_JUNCTION: "novel junction" in annotation[1]
- _5_FRAGMENT: "5' fragment" in annotation[1]
- _3_FRAGMENT: "3' fragment" in annotation[1]
- INTRONIC: "intronic" in annotation[1]
- FSM: annotation[0]==0
- ISM: annotation[0]==1
- NIC: annotation[0]==2
- NNC: annotation[0]==3
- NOVEL: annotation[0]==4
- REF_UNSPLICED: len(exons)==1
- REF_MULTIEXON: len(exons)>1
- REF_INTERNAL_PRIMING: downstream_A_content>.5
- HIGH_SUPPORT: transcript_support_level=="1"
- PROTEIN_CODING: transcript_type=="protein_coding"
To demonstrate the use of the filter queries, we compute some summary statistics based on subsets of the transcripts. * For the trasncript length distribution * we select all transcripts where the NOVEL_GENE expression evaluates to FALSE (should be same as ” * For the reference annotation, only transcripts with HIGH support are selected. * The A content downstream of the gene is interesting for novel unspliced genes (“NOVEL and UNSPLICED”), contrasted with full splice reference matching transcripts (“FSM”) * The length distribution of direct repeats is computed for known, novel canonical, and novel noncanonical splice junctions. This is done for all transcripts, as we do not define a query here.
#compute some summary statistics on technical artifacts.
isoseq.transcript_length_hist(groups=isoseq.groups(), add_reference=True, min_coverage=2,tr_filter=dict( query='not NOVEL_GENE'), ref_filter=dict(query='HIGH_SUPPORT')),
isoseq.downstream_a_hist(groups=isoseq.groups(), tr_filter=dict( query='FSM'), ref_filter=dict(query='not REF_UNSPLICED')),
isoseq.downstream_a_hist(groups=isoseq.groups(), tr_filter=dict(query='NOVEL_GENE and UNSPLICED')),
tr_stats.append((pd.concat([tr_stats[1][0].add_suffix(' known'),tr_stats[2][0].add_suffix(' novel')]),tr_stats[2][1]))
We can depict the summary statistics on the quality control metrics and filter flags. Isotools distinguishes 3 main types of artefacts:
Internal priming, where the primer binds genomic stretches of high adenosine content, yielding apparent novel genes which are typically unspliced.
Reverse transcriptase template switching (RTTS), resulting in apperant novel introns, often without canonical splice sites.
Truncated fragments, of transcripts, yielding apperant novel transcription start sites or polyA sites.
#statistic on the filter flags
f_stats=isoseq.filter_stats( weight_by_coverage=True,min_coverage=1, tags=['INTERNAL_PRIMING', 'RTTS', 'FRAGMENT'])
#QC plot
from isotools.plots import plot_bar, plot_distr
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,15)
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 14})
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2)
#A) transcript length
#B) internal priming
plot_distr(tr_stats[4][0],smooth=3,ax=axs[0,1],density=True,fill=True, **tr_stats[4][1])
#D) frequency of artifacts
plot_bar(f_stats[0],ax=axs[1,1],drop_categories=['PASS' ],colors=['blue'], **f_stats[1]) # note that colors must be set in v0.2.8 - this will be fixed in v0.2.9
This particular dataset seems to have relativly high fraction of internal priming, affecting 20% of the full lenght reads.
Novel alternative splicing classification¶
In order to assess the types of novel transcripts, isotools extends the SQANTI classification scheme (FSM, ISM, NIC, NNC, novel gene) by subcategories, that facilitate direct biological interpretation.
The following artificial example exemplifies the different subcategories. In the original state, it covers all subcategories (except categories for novel genes). However, users are encouraged to modify the examples, in order to explore edge cases, combinations and other specific cases. The labels in the plots produced below reflect the subcategories assigned by isoseq.
ref=[[[12,20],[30,40], [50,60],[70,81]],
[[11,20],[35,40], [75,79]],
[[10,20],[30,40], [50,60],[70,80]]]
novel={'FSM': [[10,20],[30,40], [50,60],[70,80]],
"5' fragment": [[33,40], [50,60],[70,80]],
"3' fragment": [[10,20],[30,40], [50,55]],
"mono exon" : [[22,35]],
"exon skipping" : [[10,20], [50,60],[70,80]],
"intron retention" : [[10,40], [50,60],[70,80]],
"novel combination" : [[10,20],[35,40], [50,60],[70,80]],
"novel junction" : [[10,20],[30,40], [50,60], [75,80]],
"novel exonic TSS" : [[26,40], [50,60],[70,80]],
"novel exonic PAS" : [[10,20],[30,40], [50,66]],
"novel 5' splice site":[[10,24],[30,40], [50,60],[70,80]],
"novel 3' splice site":[[10,20],[26,40], [50,60],[70,80]],
"novel exon" : [[10,20],[30,40],[43,47], [50,60],[70,80]],
"novel intronic TSS" : [[43,47],[50,60],[70,80]],
"novel intronic PAS" : [[10,20],[30,40], [82,90]]}
ref={'transcripts':[{'exons':e, 'transcript_name':f'reference {i+1}'} for i,e in enumerate(ref)]}
transcripts=[{'exons':e, 'transcript_name':n} for n,e in novel.items()]
example=isotools.Gene(10,80,{'strand':'+','ID':'example','reference':ref, 'transcripts':transcripts},None)
f,axs=plt.subplots(2,figsize=(10,7), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [1, 4]})
cat=['FSM','ISM','NIC','NNC','novel gene']
for novel in example.transcripts:
print(f"{novel['transcript_name']}: {alt_splice[1]}")
novel['transcript_name']=f"{','.join(alt_splice[1])} ({cat[alt_splice[0]]}) "
example.gene_track(ax=axs[0], x_range=[10,90], title='')
example.gene_track(reference=False,ax=axs[1], x_range=[10,90], title='', color='green')
for ax in axs:
FSM: {'FSM': [0, 2]}
5' fragment: {"5' fragment": [[12, 33]]}
3' fragment: {"3' fragment": [[55, 80]]}
mono exon: {'mono-exon': []}
exon skipping: {'exon skipping': [[30, 40]]}
intron retention: {'intron retention': [(20, 30)]}
novel combination: {'novel combination': []}
novel junction: {'novel junction': [[60, 75]]}
novel exonic TSS: {'novel exonic TSS': [(26, 30)]}
novel exonic PAS: {'novel exonic PAS': [(60, 66)]}
novel 5' splice site: {"novel 5' splice site": [(24, -4)]}
novel 3' splice site: {"novel 3' splice site": [(26, 4)]}
novel exon: {'novel exon': [[43, 47]]}
novel intronic TSS: {'novel intronic TSS': [[43, 47]]}
novel intronic PAS: {'novel intronic PAS': [[82, 90]]}
During import, all isoseq transcripts get classified using this scheme. We can depict the number of identified novel classes. Note the query we use to filter out transcripts affected by one of the 3 artefacts.
for g, trid, tr in isoseq.iter_transcripts():
for anno in tr['annotation'][1]:
del cnr['FSM']
altsplice=[ isoseq.altsplice_stats(groups=isoseq.groups(), weight_by_coverage=True, min_coverage=1, tr_filter=dict( query="not( RTTS or FRAGMENT or INTERNAL_PRIMING)")),
isoseq.altsplice_stats(groups=isoseq.groups(), weight_by_coverage=True, min_coverage=2, tr_filter=dict( query="not( RTTS or FRAGMENT or INTERNAL_PRIMING)")),
isoseq.altsplice_stats(groups=isoseq.groups(), weight_by_coverage=False, min_coverage=20, tr_filter=dict( query="not( RTTS or FRAGMENT or INTERNAL_PRIMING)"))]
for i in range(3):
altsplice[i][0].index=altsplice[i][0].index+[f'\n({cat[cnr[subcat]]})' if subcat in cnr else '' for subcat in altsplice[i][0].index]
altsplice[i][0].index=altsplice[i][0].index.str.replace('splice ','\nsplice ')
from isotools.plots import plot_bar, plot_distr
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,10)
_=plot_bar(altsplice[0][0],bar_width=.9,ylabel='fraction of reads [%]',colors=['blue'], legend=False, rot=90,drop_categories=['FSM'])
Data exploration¶
This cell provides some examples, how the data can be assessed in isotools, and what information is stored on gene and transcript level. As an example, we focus on the ‘MAPT’ gene, which features alternative splicing and is related to Alzheimer’s disease.
#access gene of interest by Name
#this reveals that the MAPT has 267 different variants, according to isoseq.
#However, most are supported by few reads only
print(f'{sum([cov>total_cov *.01 for cov in g.coverage][0])} transcripts contribute at least 1% to that gene')
#lets look at the primary transcript
print(f'The primary transcript is number {max_i} and contributes {g.coverage[0,max_i]/total_cov:.2%} ({g.coverage[0,max_i]}/{total_cov})')
#all the information for this transcript are stored in this dict:
print(f'\nThese are the infos for this transcript:')
for k,v in primary.items():
print(f'{k}: {str(v)[:100]}{"..." if len(str(v))>100 else ""}')
# this reveals that it is a mono exon in the 3'UTR of that gene.
print(f'\nThese are the infos for the second transcript:')
for k,v in second.items():
print(f'{k}: {str(v)[:100]}{"..." if len(str(v))>100 else ""}')
# this reveals that it is a FSM with reference transcript nr 7.
print(f'\nThe corresponding reference transcript: ')
for k,v in g.ref_transcripts[second["annotation"][1]["FSM"][0]].items():
print(f'{k}: {str(v)[:100]}{"..." if len(str(v))>100 else ""}')
Gene MAPT chr17:45894550-46028334(+), 16 reference transcripts, 272 expressed transcripts
10 transcripts contribute at least 1% to that gene
The primary transcript is number 265 and contributes 22.42% (601/2681)
These are the infos for this transcript:
exons: [[46025876, 46028330]]
strand: +
TSS: {'alzheimer_1': {46022396: 3, 46022538: 1, 46022576: 1, 46022912: 1, 46023166: 1, 46023259: 2, 46023...
PAS: {'alzheimer_1': {46026081: 15, 46026077: 5, 46026082: 27, 46026083: 38, 46026079: 7, 46028330: 193, ...
coverage: {'alzheimer_1': 601}
annotation: (1, {'mono-exon': []})
fragments: [(166, 10, 0), (267, 1, 0)]
direct_repeat_len: []
downstream_A_content: 0.3333333333333333
These are the infos for the second transcript:
exons: [[45894555, 45894686], [45962320, 45962470], [45978374, 45978440], [45987039, 45987095], [45991459, ...
strand: +
TSS: {'alzheimer_1': {45894371: 2, 45894492: 1, 45894498: 1, 45894502: 1, 45894504: 1, 45894505: 1, 45894...
PAS: {'alzheimer_1': {46026081: 60, 46026083: 142, 46026082: 160, 46026079: 31, 46026084: 1, 46026077: 20...
coverage: {'alzheimer_1': 450}
annotation: (0, {'FSM': [7]})
direct_repeat_len: [5, 2, 2, 3, 3, 6, 3, 3, 2]
downstream_A_content: 0.7666666666666667
The corresponding reference transcript:
transcript_id: ENST00000446361.7
transcript_type: protein_coding
transcript_name: MAPT-208
transcript_support_level: 1
exons: [(45894673, 45894686), (45962320, 45962470), (45978374, 45978440), (45987039, 45987095), (45991459, ...
CDS: (45962337, 46024171)
downstream_A_content: 0.3
#we can iterate over transcripts and filter with a query:
for g,trnr,tr in isoseq.iter_transcripts(query='INTERNAL_PRIMING'):
print(f'transcript nr {trnr} of {g} with a coverage of {g.coverage[0,trnr]}')
if i>10:
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245246 GL000194.1:63158-64802(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 7
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245248 GL000194.1:67798-69577(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 2
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245267 GL000195.1:66834-68729(+), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 8
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245269 GL000195.1:74999-77143(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 1
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245261 GL000195.1:51826-53921(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 1
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245273 GL000195.1:155779-159045(+), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 1
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245271 GL000195.1:82957-86663(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 24
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245266 GL000195.1:64302-67151(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 4
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245257 GL000195.1:38255-40114(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 2
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245274 GL000195.1:168139-170730(+), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 1
transcript nr 0 of Gene PB_novel_245256 GL000195.1:36403-37553(-), 0 reference transcripts, 1 expressed transcripts with a coverage of 1
#we can also iterate over transcripts and filter by region (chr[:start-end]), novelty category, or request a minimum coverage:
for g,trnr,tr in isoseq.iter_transcripts(region='chr1', query='NOVEL_EXON', min_coverage=100):
print(f'Gene {} has a highly covered transcript with novel exon:')
print(f'Transcript nr {trnr} with a coverage of {g.coverage[0,trnr]}/{g.coverage.sum()}')
print(f'The novel exon is at position {tr["annotation"][1]["novel exon"]}')
Gene KIFAP3 has a highly covered transcript with novel exon:
Transcript nr 2 with a coverage of 252/592
The novel exon is at position [[169925786, 169925855]]
Gene AC244669.1 has a highly covered transcript with novel exon:
Transcript nr 2 with a coverage of 169/363
The novel exon is at position [[120258775, 120258883]]
Data vizualization¶
We depict the MAPT gene with its two major exon skipping events as sashimi plot.
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (20,10)
[ ]: